Top 10 Wall Decoration Ideas to Transform Your Home

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Written By Albert Roy

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Top 10 Wall Decoration Ideas to Transform Your Home

Are you tired of boring and tasteless walls? This is the perfect guide with the top 10 wall decoration ideas to transform your home. When you think of your blank wall as a canvas, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to decorate the room. Whether it’s a gallery wall, mirrors, paintings, or lights, there are several options for decorating the wall.

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Top 10 Wall Decoration Ideas to Transform Your Home

Here are the top 10 wall decorating ideas to transform your home.

Decorate With Mirrors

Alter the look of your room by adorning it with mirrors. A mirror is a perfect alternative to a painting. Also, to make a room look bigger, you can use mirrors.

For example, in a living room with a light-colored wall, you can use a large mirror in a bold color. Choosing a couple of small mirrors will make your room look more inviting.

Get Creative With Murals.

Patterned murals are a terrific option to decorate the borders. In most murals, you will find very striking patterns. Using a mural in neutral or soft tones will make your room look elegant and sophisticated. Since these are removable, they will be convenient during the change.

Design Using Large Paints.

Most people use large paintings to brighten up their drab spaces. Even if your room is neutral, you can use bold colors to brighten the space. For example, you can easily combine a large painting with wooden furniture and patterned curtains.

4. Put up Neon Lights.

You can add neon lights or vintage decorations if you want an eye-catching piece for your space. Neon light brings a nice look to the space, creating a minimalist design. For example, you can pair a purple neon light with a purple sofa.

Also, a polished table would be a great idea as the neon light would reflect and make the room glow.

Hang Designed Macrame

Create a friendly, soft look by hanging a designed macrame on your fence. A woven or threaded macrame would fit perfectly in any space. In addition, these can provide a traditional touch. A beige or white macramé would easily blend in with the surroundings when you have a neutral-colored room.

Create a Frame Gallery

Finding a single framework too basic? Now, you can create a frame gallery using some small frames. You can choose frames of different sizes and colors to bring a colorful atmosphere. However, you can use the same frames and get a realistic look at the room.

You can use paper to trace the outlines when creating the frames gallery. You can trace or glue the papers and then start nailing them in the right place.

Add More Vegetation

Green is a refreshing and optimistic color. So you can use plants and pots to decorate your walls. It is optional to fill the house with plants. But sure, you can get creative and put some plants on a shelf or in a large pot.

On the other hand, you can place plants of different heights on the same wall. Eventually, your room will become elegant and based on nature.

Embrace Mount Lighting

People often use large mirrors or paintings above the fireplaces. But another way is to adopt montage lighting. Since there are so many ways to use light in a room, you can use traditional lighting.

A mounted light would further illuminate the fireplace area. Also, sunlight can make a small area appear bigger.

Create Textures

If you want to use the entire wall, create textures. For such situations, you can readily use the shiplap style. This style will create a design while creating a warm area. Also, you can use wooden furniture to complement the wall.

Put Up Eye-Catching Shelves.

The best way to transform your home is to use eye-catching shelves as wall décor. Also, adding shelves to a room can create more storage space. You can see many designs that you can seat on the wall. Eventually, this space can store books, decorative pieces, or sculptures.

Final Verdict

These top 10 wall decorating ideas can make your home eye-catching. Eventually, her space would become her place of escape from a monotonous life. Just decorate the walls according to your personality, and you will see the change in your space.

We hope this blog has helped you decorate your home. Finally, happy decorating!

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